How To Remove Dark Spots Naturally

How To Remove Dark Spots Naturally is the most asked question when it comes to skin care. There is no doubt that acne may be the first ever skin issue to deal with by men and women across the globe, but the scarring that is left after the acne vanishes from the skin seems to be the most scary thing for everyone who has an acne prone skin.

For some people acne does not leave any scars, or for some it may leave scars but they vanish on their own after sometime. But there still is a major category of people who face acne scarring that can become permanent if not treated timely.

Now it is not possible for everyone to get expensive medical treatments to remove dark sports, hence many men and women become depressed due to their skin conditions and acne scarring.

Today, in this blog post I am going to eradicate all your worries about acne scars or dark spots that you have on your face or skin due to acne. You need not to worry about living your life with these scars or feel bad about your skin condition.

This blog post is going to enlist six treatments that can be done at home with ingredients available in your kitchen. These six home remedies will help you remove your dark spots naturally, leaving a smooth, glowing and healthy spots free skin behind.

Let’s begin reading the remedies to help you get rid of your dark spots naturally!


1.      1- Use Potatoes To Remove Dark Spots Naturally

Potatoes contain an enzyme called Catecholase. Potato juice can help lighten your skin, brighten it and also get rid of any kind of dark spots from your skin when used regularly.

If you really want to see their wonderful results on your skin, then the only thing that you will have to do is to squeeze the juice of a potato and apply it to your skin directly with your fingers or cotton pads. After putting the juice on your skin, let it sit there for 20 minutes or half an hour and then rinse with cold water and moisturize your skin with your favorite moisturizer or aloe vera gel.

If you will consider using aloe vera gel then the effects of this treatment will double and you will see a glowing and flawless skin within few weeks.


2.      2- Use Lemons To Remove Dark Spots Naturally

Lemons are a blessing that we hardly talk about. Lemons may be amongst the citric family but they are enriched with vitamin C. Lemons are best friend for skin and they can be used for various skin issues but we will consider discussing about using them as dark spots treatment.

In order to treat your dark spots, you will need to use lemon juice on your skin. You can either put it over your complete face or you could use a cotton bud to use it on the dark spots individually.

For some people, who have sensitive skin, lemons may cause irritation. But worry not! You can still give it a try. In order to use lemon juice, you guys can dilute it with some water to reduce its stingy effect and get the same results.

Using lemon juice will not only reduce and clear your dark spots but it will also make your skin glow.


3.      3- Use Aloe Vera To Remove Dark Spots Naturally

Aloe Vera is my best friend. I recommend using Aloe Vera to every single person I know. This plant is magic indeed. TO tell you guys the truth, there was a time in my life when my whole face was covered in acne and dark spots and I literally felt ugly every single day looking at myself in the mirror. But then I found out about Aloe Vera Gel. From that day my life totally changed. Today I live with a healthy skin and reduced acne scarring.

In order to remove dark spots naturally with aloe vera gel, all you will need to do is simple use it as a cream on your face. Trust me it does not stink and it does not feel sticky on your skin at all.

Now you may use store bought aloe vera gels, but I will recommend using aloe vera gel straight from a plant. Using aloe vera gel from plant will have triple effects than a store bought aloe vera gel.

Since all of the treatments being mentioned here are natural treatments, they may take few weeks to show results, but these results are permanent and they will never damage your skin like store bought creams.


4.    4-   Use Tomatoes To Remove Dark Spots Naturally

Just like potatoes, tomatoes are a magic growing in your backyard. My mother was the first person to suggest me about using tomatoes for my skin issues and especially to treat news scars that keep coming on my skin since I have an acne prone skin. This remedy has been of great help to me.

All you need to do is slice a tomato and start rubbing it on your skin. You can also make juice of it using a juicer and then use cotton pads to put it on your face.

Let this tomato juice sit on your face for at least 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse face with cold water and apply any moisturizer or aloe vera gel.


5.    5-   Use Baking Soda To Remove Dark Spots Naturally

If you will search using baking soda for removing dark spots, you may find many warning you about it side effects, but those people must have made mistake whilst using this remedy. Baking soda can do wonders to remove dark spots naturally if you use it properly.

Baking soda can impact the pH level of skin and will require you to take extra care o your skin if you opt to use it. But it removes dark spots really quick and the results can be seen within few weeks of using it.

In order to use baking soda to remove dark spots, all you need to do is mix it with water and make a thick paste of it. Now it does keep falling down from skin when it starts to dry up, so you may want to do it standing in front of a sink or having a towel in your lap to avoid messing up your room or carpet.

Now use your fingers and apply this paste on your skin and start rubbing your face with really low pressure. You can do this from 5 to 7 minutes and then rinse your face with cold water.

After completing this process, you will need to use a strong moisturizer to restore your pH level that may take few hours to restore on its own when not moisturized by self.

I will recommend using almond oil or aloe vera gel. Both help to restore pH levels and also double the effects of treatment and help your skin to remove dark spots quickly.

Do not use baking soda more than twice a week!


6.    6-   Use Turmeric To Remove Dark Spots Naturally

Turmeric is present in almost every kitchen, especially in Asian homes.

From being a favorite spice to add in foods to being the major Ayurveda ingredient, turmeric is well known for its healing properties.

Turmeric can also be used to remove dark spots. It is actually the top loved ingredients by brides to be to make their skin glow and bright. It doesn’t only makes skin glowing and bright but also helps to fade dark spots when used regularly.

To use turmeric for treating dark spots, you can make a paste by mixing turmeric with gram flour, honey and water. Do not use more than a pinch or two of turmeric as it does leave a yellowish color on your face, but it goes away easily.

Mix a pinch of turmeric into gram flour and add half tea spoon of honey in it. Make a smooth paste out of it by using cold water and then spread it on your face. Let is sit on your face till it dries and then put cold water on your skin and rub it in circular motion with your hands. After massaging your face for few minutes, you can rinse all of it from your face and moisturize it.

You can use this mask thrice a week or even more. Gram flour can also be replaced with yogurt.

This mask will not only remove dark spots, but will also brighten your sin and make it beautiful.

With this last remedy my blog post has come to an end. Natural remedies take at least four weeks to show any results; hence you will need to be patient to see changes in your skin. Even though these treatments are safe but still do patch tests or discuss with your dermatologist before trying these natural remedies.

If you loved this post then do like, comment and share the post with your friends and family and do give a feedback if you have tried these natural remedies or will be trying them after reading this blog post.



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