Vaseline is actually the brand name of petroleum jelly which was discovered back in Robert Augustus Chesebrough in 1859. He was the person who saw some oil workers using a jelly like product on their wounds and burns to heal them and after realizing its benefits he decided to pack this product and presented this jelly as Vaseline.
Since then petroleum jelly which is also known as Vaseline for most of the world has been in use of billions of people and nothing has changed in the properties of this product since then.
Now that you guys are very well aware of the history of Petroleum Jelly or Vaseline, I will want to let you guys know that this very affordable and long lasting beauty product has numerous health benefits and beauty benefits as well. We can use this single product in so many ways and get nothing but benefits out of its use.
Today in this blog post, I am going to share some of these amazing health benefits and uses of Vaseline & I will want you all to try to make sure and have this product included in your toiletries or beauty products.
Let us begin the blog post!
Amazing Benefits And Uses Of Vaseline
1. Heal Wounds
Wounds need moisture to heal quickly. It is really difficult to heal a dried up wound that has formed scabs. Vaseline is the most effective way and product that one can use to seal in the moisture around the wounded areas of the skin to help it heal faster.
Before applying Vaseline or petroleum jelly to your wounds, make sure to clean the wounded area and disinfect it properly, so that there are no bacteria around the wound that could get trapped inside the Vaseline layer applied on wounds and cause more problems than benefit.
2. Remove Makeup
You may have been using many good and expensive makeup removing products, but Vaseline will become your next favorite makeup remover because the petroleum jelly tends to dissolve and remove any kind of waterproof makeup and not only that is really safe to use on your whole face including your eye area.
3. Treat Split Ends
Vaseline does wonders when it comes to hair care as well. Since this is known as the miracle product with zero side effects that does wonders for almost any skin, health or hair related problems, it will not be wrong to say that Vaseline can actually help your hair shine brighter, grow faster and get rid of split ends without having to cut them one by one.
Apply little amount of Vaseline in your palms, rub them together and then when it melts apply it on your ends. It will help seal in moisture in your hair and make them drop dead shinier and gorgeous with zero splits ends to be seen.
4. Treat Chapped Lips
I am one of those persons, who get chapped lips before even winters officially show a temperature drop on the scale. Despite using lip balms and lip oils, my lips won’t get the amount of moisture they need to not get chapped up to the extent that they bleed badly too.
The only product that helps my lips heal is Vaseline. Applying a very little amount of Vaseline on your lips will keep them moisturized and pink during winters and in all other seasons too.
5. Make Your Perfume Long Lasting
We all have one common habit and likeness that is smelling nice either inside or outside our house. But it is not possible to smell nice despite using any expensive to cheap perfume unless it lasts longer.
Vaseline helps to provide the much needed moisture to your body pulse points which makes any fragrance to last longer than their usual lasting time. Pulse points can include your wrists, neck, inner elbows and back of knees. These are the parts of body that are warm and help spread or diffuse fragrances or perfumes to the other parts of your body making you smell wonderful all day long.
Hence a little Vaseline goes a long way to help you smell better all day long.
6. Protect Hairline Whilst Dying Your Hair
Dying hair into a perfect color comes with a fear of leaving stains on your hairline and ears area. But this fear will remain no more if you will get yourself an inexpensive jar of Vaseline.
All you need to do is apply a thin layer of Vaseline on your hairline and around your ear areas and then apply your regular hair color. Areas that have Vaseline applied on them will never get stained by the hair dye even if touches those areas.
7. Treat Diaper Rash
Petroleum jelly or Vaseline is a really great fix for baby diaper rash. All you need to do is apply Vaseline so that the skin of your baby remains moisturized and does not get a rash due to wet diaper and skin friction with the diaper.
You can apply Vaseline on already existing rash as well to help it heal better, safer and quickly.
8. Help Your Nails From Chipping
Vaseline can help you protect your nails against them drying out and chipping. Apply Vaseline on your nails and massage them for four to five minutes and then wipe the excess if you feel like wiping it up. This helps the nails to retain the required moisture and prevent them from chipping or breaking.
9. Help Protect Paws Of Your Pets
Animals especially dogs can get cracked paws or infections due to the ice, salts or chemicals that may be present on the sidewalks where you take them for daily walks.
In order to protect your loyal buddy’s paws, you can help them stay protected by applying Vaseline on the paws before you take them outside for a walk.
As helpful as Vaseline seems in protecting the feet of your dogs, it can also be a bit negative as dogs have the habits of licking themselves and ingesting Vaseline can turn out to be unhealthy for them. For that reason, I will prescribe you all to clean their paws as soon as you come back home to keep them protected outside and then inside the house too so that they do not lick and ingest Vaseline whilst licking themselves.
10. Moisturize Dry Skin
Even those people who have oily skin or combination skin suffer from dry hands, feet and lips when it comes to facing the winter and autumn weathers. I am one of those people, who despite having an oily T-Zone face area, have chapped and dry lips, hands, feet and skin in general and every lotion out there fails to keep my skin moisturized for longer hours.
Vaseline is the only product that help me stay moisturized in winters and even one application is good to go for long hours as compared to other body and hand lotions that I? need to reapply every time when I wash my hands.
So if you are someone who suffers from worst kind of dry skin, Vaseline is going to become your best friend.
11. Polish Your Leather Products With Vaseline
Petroleum Jelly or Vaseline can be used on leather products to make them shine better and become softer. It helps to make the color of your leather better too. If your leather furniture or bags have lost their color and look dull, then applying Vaseline over them can help them retain their lost color and shine and look as new as they were when you bought them.
Vaseline can also be used to clean your leather stuff from stains as it has great cleaning properties and not just that it can be a great preservative for the long life of your leather and also acts as the waterproof material when applied to your leather products and makes them waterproof alongside cleaning them and bringing back their shine and color.
12. Remove Makeup Stains From Clothing
Vaseline can help remove makeup stains from your clothing including dresses, pillow cases or bed covers. All you need to do is rub Vaseline with a damp cloth on the affected clothing to remove the stains.
13. Keep Baby Hair Manageable
If you are someone like me who has lots of baby hair and they love to stick out especially when you want to rock a perfect bun look then worry not. You do not really need to depend on hair sprays to manage your baby hair.
You can use a very little amount of Vaseline to tame your baby hair and prevent them from any damage that can be caused by excessive use of hair sprays having harmful chemicals that affect the hair health when used on a regular basis or when used too often.
14. Treat And Heal Cracked Heels
This is by far my most favorite use of Vaseline. Almost most of the ladies in my family have the issues of cracked heels that not only look unpleasant in open sandals or slippers but also hurt really bad whilst walking or putting down feet.
To help your cracked heels get healed quickly and stay moisturized after that too, all you need to will be to mix equal amounts of Vaseline and Vicks VapoRub together and then apply them on your cracked heels at night following up with putting up socks to your bed till morning.
This will not only heal your cracked heels quickly but wil also make them soft and beautiful.
15. Stop Doors From Squeaking
If you have doors that squeak a lot, then you guys can actually get rid of the problem by putting Vaseline Petroleum Jelly on the hinges of your doors. This will prevent your doors from squeaking and not only that, Vaseline ill not leak down and create a mess like other oils or spray oils meant to help squeaking sounds of doors.
These are some of the amazing benefits and uses of Vaseline that I trust blindly And have tried almost all of them. If you loved these benefits and want to try them out then feel free to try them without worrying about any side effects or problems.
If you are someone who has already tried and tested these Vaseline hacks, then comment down below and let us know how was your experience with Vaseline or Petroleum Jelly.
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