Growing hair or having long hair is one of the world’s most well-known wish and everyone including men and women are always looking for ways to help their hair grow faster naturally without having to wear extensions of hair wigs.
Well! Undoubtedly most of the people who are facing slow hair growth or hair conditions like alopecia usually have no other option but to go for permanent or temporary hair extensions or buy expensive hair wigs that give them natural hair looks whilst going outside, but trust me you all, it is not easy to maintain hair wigs or even extensions.
Not every person who is a parent or someone who has to go outside for a job on a daily basis can find time daily to look after their hair extensions or hair wigs. Some days it becomes so difficult to even wash our hair and we resort to dry shampoos, and such cannot be the case with hair wigs or hair extensions.
But today, in this blog post, I am actually going to let you guys know about two miraculous do it yourself hair growth treatments that you can do at the comfort of your own house and grow your hair faster and this will not only help you to increase your hair length but will also help you to grow hair on your bald spots.
Let’s begin our blog post!
Two Miraculous Tips For Hair Growth
1. DIY Hair Growth Hair Spray
Sometimes all we need is a magic potion that suits our hair really well. In this DIY, I have just that one special hair spray that will cost you almost no money because all the ingredients will already be available in your kitchen, and this inexpensive hair spray will help to grow your hair at such a fast speed that you yourself will be amazed.
To make this special hair spray the ingredients that you will need are as follows:
· Onion: 1 Medium Sized
· Cloves: 1 Tablespoon
· Fenugreek Seeds: 1 Tablespoon
· Coconut Oil: 1 Tablespoon
· Rice: 1 Tablespoon
· Castor Oil: 1 Teaspoon
· Water: Almost 16 Ounces
First of all you will need to peel of the skin of the onion and slice it into small cubes. After doing so add the sliced onion into a non-stick pan. Then add one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds, one tablespoon of rice, and one tablespoon of whole cloves, in the end add round about 16 ounces of water to these ingredients.
After adding in all the ingredients into the pan along with water, turn on your stove and boil this mixture for at least ten minutes. Once the whole mixture has been boiled, turn off the flame and let the water and ingredients mixture cool down.
After the mixture has cooled down, strain the water with the help of a fine strainer or a cloth.
Once you have the water mixture with you, transfer this water into a spray bottle and then add one tablespoon of coconut oil to the mix and also one teaspoon of castor oil and shake the mixture really well after putting on the spray cap.
The major reason why I am asking you all to add the oils after the water has been transferred to the spray bottle is because if you add the oils in a bowl, chances are most of it will not get properly mixed with water and stay back in the bowl or container where you added it into the water.
Now your magical hair growth DIY hair spray is ready to use. You will need to use this hair spray twice or thrice a week. Spray it all over your head and then cover your head with a plastic head wrap and let it stay in your hair for about two hours and then wash your hair with shampoo and follow up with your usual conditioner.
This will not help you to increase your hair growth but will also help to grow hair on your bald spots in a short amount of time. Just stick with the routine and you will definitely start seeing the results in few weeks.
You may need one or two weeks to see tor measure the hair growth but your hair falls will stop even after the very first application of this magical DIY hair spray for faster hair growth.
2. Inversion Method For Faster Hair Growth
The inversion method may be controversial among many professional and non-professional hair lovers and experts, but in my own experience it brings wonders to hair in terms of faster hair growth.
Basically, in the inversion hair growth method, one bends their head, including the hair, downwards so that blood flows directly to the head and hair follicles. This can be done in a variety of ways.
· In first method or way of doing inversion method for hair growth one can sit in a chair, bend their head forward, place the head between their knees, and turn the hair down. This way blood from your heart will flow directly towards your head and hair follicles and this direct flow will help you to grow your hair at a faster pace.
After bending your head and hair down in this posture, you will need to massage your head lightly with the help of your fingers in circular motion reaching every area of your head. You will need to do this massage for 5 to ten minutes.
· For the second way of doing the inversion method for hair growth, lie on the edge of the bed so that your head hangs on the edge of the bed or on the side of your bed. Now again your head and hair will be positioned towards the ground. This position is slightly easy than the first position.
Once you have your head and hair bent downwards, you can start massaging your hair as told in the first way of doing the inversion method.
· Another and the last method of doing the inversion method for faster hair growth is to stand up and then bend down towards your feet in a way that your head and hair is positioned towards the ground. You will need to stay in this same position for the next five to ten minutes and massage your head as told in the very first inversion method position.
Each of the above mentioned poses helps the blood flow to reach the area ofthe head directly and quickly.
Once you have chosen your favorite position for doing the inversion method for hair growth, and you are ready to do your head massage in a circular motion with the help of your fingers, what you will need to do as another third and an essential and a very beneficial step is to incorporate the use of hair oil in this inversion method for hair growth.
Remember to massage your head in any of your chosen position for 5-10 minutes. It's not very easy for everyone to get a hang of this method.
If whilst doing the inversion method, any one of you starts to feel dizzy then this should be the point they should stop doing the inversion method, as some very sensitive people can get dizzy during this activity.
As said earlier, the inversion hair growth method does not work for everyone because it does not have the same effect on everyone, and it can also actually pose a risk for people with heart disease or blood pressure problems. Therefore, I recommend that such people first consult a doctor before trying the inversion method.
But for a healthy person, you can safely try it for 3-5 minutes in the very initial stage or in your very first or two tries and then extend it further, depending on how well you are doing with the process.
But my personal advice is to keep it no more than 5 to 10 minutes for safety. If you're wondering how many times you can repeat this inversion method, then as per the experts and my personal experience, it's a good idea to do this 2-3 times a week, then take a 20-30 day break and try again.
Some people also tried this consistently for a week, then rested for a month and then tried again.
Always listen to your body when trying the inversion method. If you feel dizzy or nausea, stop immediately and slowly return to normal position rather than switching back to your normal position immediately.
These were my personal favorite tired and tested 2 Miraculous Tips For Hair Growth.
If you liked this blog post, then do not forget to like the post and comment as well. If it really helped you or if you have already tried these two miraculous DIY hair growth tips and you know they can do wonders for hair for real, then do not forget to share this blog post with your friends, colleagues and family members who need to try these DIYs for their hair growth solution.