Dry Brushing is one hell of a technique that has been ever discovered on this earth. Even I was not aware of it till I came across a YouTube video about if from a Youtuber I have known from a very long time.
Since I could trust the person whom I knew from a very long time and knew that all of her remedies and DIY projects turn out to produce excellent results, I thought why not give it a try.
Dry brushing for five minutes twice or thrice a week can have an impact on your body and skin that will stay lifetime. With the help of dry brushing, you can actually get loads and loads of benefits by doing this activity for three to five minutes twice or thrice per week as mentioned earlier..
Let me introduce you to the concept of Dry Brushing and then let you know its benefits including a guide to help you do it yourself at home to get so many benefits out of it for your skin and body.
What Is Dry Brushing?
Dry Brushing is a technique where one uses a brush having firm and stiff bristles specially made for dry brushing, on their dry body and brushes it all over by doing at least two ten brush strokes for each body part they are brushing. This technique can be done anytime of the day, but best would be to do it early morning before taking a shower or bath.
Dry Brushing is being
used as an essential skin care routine by hundreds of people across the globe
and every single person will swear by the beneficial effects of this technique
that always show positive results on the skin.
Benefits Of Dry Brushing?
Dry brushing has
various benefits for the skin. Major benefits of dry brushing are mentioned
- It helps to stimulate the lymphatic system of human body
- It can acts as a best source of skin exfoliation
- You can get rid of various skin toxins with the help of dry brushing
- It boosts blood circulation inside the body and provides energy in return
- Dry Brushing is really effective to break down cellulite and make your skin look soft and smooth like a baby’s skin.
Even though I have
broken down the benefits into a list, but it will be really easy for you all to
grab the whole idea behind each point and understand ow vast are the impacts of
dry brushing.
How to Dry Brush?
This is the most asked
question about dry brushing and I am going to explain the whole process to you
in the easiest way possible.
Dry Brushing does not only mean to take a brush and
start brushing all over your body without following any special movements. In
order to Dry Brush your body and skin, you will need to follow some prescribed
steps to get the actual results of your choice.
The process of Dry
Brushing is as follows:
- Make sure you are doing this process before bath or shower time, so that you can get rid of the excess skin removed by exfoliation process of using the dry brush.
- Make sure that your
skin is completely dry. (Some people
prefer to use oils or special creams before using a dry brush, but I believe it
is best to use it on dry skin)
- Get yourself comfortable at any spot where you want to dry brush and take off your clothes.
- Take your dry brush and get prepared to massage your body.
- Start dry brushing from your ankles in circular motions and them move upwards towards you heart.
- Keep a firm pressure applied onto your brush and skin whilst moving your brush in circular motions.
- When you reach the area of your chest and neck, try to lower the pressure on your brush and skin as the area here is sensitive for everyone and using more pressure can irritate the skin rather than helping it.
- Try to dry brush at one part or area for two to ten times.
- Do not go overboard as you can irritate the skin instead of helping it to gain benefits of dry brushing.
- Never use dry brush on the skin areas that are bruised, wounded or have some sort of bumps, irritation or rashes.
- Do not use the dry brush that you use on your body for your face as well. The reason for not doing this is because the facial skin is different than the human body and is very sensitive. Hence you can use a gentle product instead of the same dry brush for your face.
- Once you are done dry brushing your while body, take a shower or a bath and then moisturize your skin with any kind of moisturizer that suits your skin type.
- If you have to head outside soon after dry brushing and shower, make sure to wear a sun screen as after dry brushing your skin will be sensitive and you should protect it from the rays of sun.
Now that you guys are
aware of Dry Brushing, its benefits and the process, I will quickly go through
some major points to keep in mind about dry brushing.
Some Facts About Dry Brushing
- You should never try dry brushing with hot showers. This combination will never be fruitful for your skin. As dry brushing takes off excess skin preventing the loss of healthy skin oils that the skin requires. A hot shower during or soon after the dry brushing will take off the healthy skin oils causing irritated skin.
- If you have a very sensitive skin and you have some major skin issues, please avoid dry brushing without consultation from your dermatologist.
- If you want to know whether dry brushing help making one feel good about themselves, then let me tell you that it is true to very much extent, because whilst dry brushing we are also stimulating our nervous system as done whilst massaging, hence it can help you feel better for sure.
- Dry brushing cannot magically remove your cellulite, but yes with consistent use and proper daily moisturizing, you can see reduction of cellulite in some sessions.
Are there any side effects of Dry Brushing?
There are some side effects of dry brushing and the most common or only issue that can occur would be an irritated skin. This does not occur for everyone but only to those people who have sensitive skin or those who put too much pressure whilst brushing their body or even if they go overboard with the prescribed stroke per body part.
This is the major reason that I already mentioned to
not go beyond 2 to 10 strokes and to not use extreme pressures and also to
consult a dermatologist if there are any skin issues. If you follow these
guidelines, then you will hardly see any side effects of dry brushing.
you liked this article and have used Dry Brushing already, then do leave your
feedback in the comments section below and do not forget to read our blog post about Natural Remedies To Treat Acne Scarring At Home.