aging & getting wrinkles is a natural process that occurs as we grow older
year by year, but there still are some
unnatural ways that we are incorporating in our daily lives that may be the
reason of early or premature wrinkling or aging for us.
These two facts or ways of aging and wrinkles are
also backed by science itself. The first type of natural aging and getting
wrinkles over the face and body is known as Intrinsic Aging, whereas the other unnatural type of aging that
have many factors or causes for it to occur is medically and scientifically
known as the term Extrinsic Aging.
It is highly impossible to stop natural aging process to occur to our bodies as we will grow year by year naturally. Even if we can control the procedure by doing cosmetic surgeries, we will fall in a very bad trap of being in a position where we will have to keep getting these surgeries in future as well or we may get addicted to these surgeries and end up with a look of facial features that we dislike.
But we can always slow down the natural aging
procedure of our skin and we can totally prevent the Extrinsic Aging that is unnatural way of wrinkles and aging by
following some easy lifestyle and remedies.
you wish to know what are the actual causes of both types of aging and how can
you avoid the Extrinsic Aging & slow down Intrinsic Aging, then please read
this whole blog post to help you achieve a youthful and wrinkle free skin.
Causes of Aging (Intrinsic & Extrinsic Aging)
1. Ultraviolet Light (UV Light)
Ultraviolet radiations that come directly from
sunlight, speeds up the normal skin maturing procedure. These radiations are an
essential driver of early wrinkling. Being
visible to UV lights or radiations on a
daily basis can separate your skin's connective tissues, collagen and elastin
filaments, which lie in the more profound layer of skin that is known as Dermis.
Without the steady connective tissues, our skin
loses strength and adaptability. Skin then, at that point, starts to droop,
becomes wrinkly and starts aging rapidly.
2. Natural Aging
As you get older and cross your forties, your skin
normally turns out to be not so much elastic but rather more delicate and
fragile. Reduced creation of normal skin oils dries your skin and causes it to
show up more crumpled and creates wrinkles in return.
As we start to age and grow older, fats in the more
deep layers of our skin lessens. This tends to causes free, droopy skin and
wrinkles that are apparent everywhere on body and face.
3. Repetitive Facial Expressions
Facial expressions and movements, like squinting or
grinning, lead to scarcely discernible differences and turn into wrinkles. Each
time you utilize a facial muscle, a fissure is caused underneath the outer
layer of the skin. Also, as skin ages, it loses its flexibility and elasticity
and is at this point where after making certain expressions the muscles are not
ready to spring back once again into the right spot once they move after facial
expressions or movements. Now the grooves or fissures that are caused by the
facial expressions are not able to spring back and stay on the skin as
4. Smoking
Smoking also tends to speed up the aging process and
causes your skin to sag easily and produce wrinkles before the intended times
for these wrinkles to get produced.
5. Getting Tanned Using Sunlight, Tanning Bed or Tanning Equipment
Each time you get a tan, you rashly age your skin.
This remains constant in the event that you get a tan from the sun, a tanning
bed, or other indoor tanning gear. All radiate unsafe UV beams that speed up
how rapidly your skin ages.
6. Extreme Alcohol Intake
Too much alcohol intake can actually be bad for your
body. Alcohol directly or indirectly reduces the hydration of your body and
once your body gets dehydrated, you tend to start aging quickly, because it is
scientifically backed that dehydrated skin has more chances of getting damaged
and this damage creates wrinkles and aging signs.
7. Dehydrated Body & Skin
If you are not taking your fluids normally and are
ignoring the hydration of your body then you will definitely have the chances
of dehydrating your body and skin and eventually leading it get damaged and
increased chances of aging and wrinkles.
8. Unhealthy Diet
People who eat unhealthy and junk food including too
much red meat can tend to experience premature aging easily and gain wrinkles
earlier than expected.
To Prevent Aging (Intrinsic & Extrinsic Aging)
that you guys have read the causes of aging and wrinkles in detail above, I am
going to provide you guys with the remedies that can help you to avoid the
above mentioned causes of premature aging and wrinkles.
keep in mind that avoiding Intrinsic Aging cannot be possible at any cost,
hence the remedies that I am going to provide you guys that work perfectly to
avoid premature aging are not targeted for preventing the Natural Aging i.e.
the Intrinsic Aging procedure. Hence all my remedies will work for all other
five causes excluding the Natural Aging as a cause of wrinkles and premature
aging. But by following my remedies you can slow down the process of Natural
Aging as well.
1. Avoid Excessive Intake Of Alcohol
If you are taking alcohol on a daily basis then try
to reduce this intake or it will be even better if you stop drinking alcohol
2. Avoid Sunlight & Wear Sunscreens Outside
If you are someone who has to face sunlight a lot on
a daily basis either you are walking to
work or going by a car or a bus, you will always need to protect your body and
face from direct sunlight as it comprises of UV lights and radiations that
damage the skin an cause early or premature aging.
you want to avoid the impact of sunlight & UV radiations, I will advise you
to use sunscreens with an SPF between 30 and 50. Wear SPF even if it is cloudy
outside and also in front of the stove if you are cooking on a daily basis and
inside your home too as you may tent to get UV lights exposure from light
coming in from the windows on in your garden.
Also wear clothes that are light in colors and do
not attract UV lights from sun. Also wear sunglasses all the time to avoid
wrinkles around your eyes and also wear hats & full sleeves outside to
protect your arms and also wear pants to protect your legs from UV radiations.
In case you are a fashion enthusiast and want to wear shorts, then make sure to
use SPF on every area of your body that will be exposed to sunlight directly or
3. Eat
A Healthy Diet Enriched With Multivitamins
Always prefer to eat wholesome and homemade natural
diet that incorporates antioxidant properties which help the body to have
increased elasticity and fight against premature aging and wrinkles.
Foods that are rich in antioxidant properties
may include vegetables like carrots, pumpkin, leafy greens, bell peppers, and
broccoli, green tea, pomegranates, olive oil, avocados, salmon and flax seeds.
Always incorporate Vegetable and fruits in a large
quantity in your diet to help your skin to stay and look youthful.
4. Avoid Smoking
Since you already know how smoking can cause
wrinkles and premature aging, it is highly advisable for you to avoid smoking
completely to look youthful and avoid wrinkles in the long run.
5. Hydrate Your Body
Keep your body hydrated. Drink your fluid and drink
more water. Avoid sugary drinks and coffee and try to replace coffee with cocoa
if possible as it helps to regenerate skin and provides it with proper blood
circulation to avoid premature aging.
Incorporate homemade fresh vegetables and
fruits smoothies or juices and avoid store bought products that may include
artificial ingredient that can do more harm than benefit to your skin in terms
of hydrating it.
Also use heavy body and face moisturizers on a daily
basis to help your skin stay hydrated and moisturized all the time which will
decrease dryness and damage to your skin and make it more elastic to help it
avoid premature wrinkles and aging process that may occur due to dry and cracked
skin cells.
6. Avoid Repetitive Facial Expressions
Try to avoid facial expressions on a repetitive
basis if you are habitual of doing so as it may give you wrinkles. The whole
reason of these expressions’ being the cause of wrinkles has been explained
in order to give you an example to prevent such expressions, let us take the
example of squinting too much without using glasses if you have any
prescription ones or squinting in daylight because the sunlight is too sharp
and you do not have any sunglasses on.
Try to wear glasses if you are reading or watching
something so that you are not squinting and causing early wrinkles on your
skin. Also try to wear sunglasses before heading out in direct sunlight to
avoid squinting and getting wrinkles around your eyes before actual aging
with these major Remedies that will solve almost 99 percent of your premature
aging and wrinkling, there are some more remedies that can add up to make your
try of avoiding premature aging and wrinkles occurrence 100 percent successful.
These remedies are as follows:
- Sleep on your back more often
- Eat more soy and fish
- Take Retinoid
- Do not over wash your skin
- Incorporate Vitamin C in your daily vitamin intake
- Try Dermabrasion & Chemical Peels
here I will end this blog post and useful article of mine. I am sure that I was
able to explain the causes of premature skin aging & wrinkles’ occurrence.
It is highly possible for you to avoid premature
aging and wrinkles if you will follow all the remedies that I have mentioned
above. Trust me they are very easy to follow and become a part of your routine
and you no longer feel like living to complete these tasks on a daily basis.