Must Have Makeup Artist Kit Checklist


The most important thing for any makeup artist is their Makeup Kit. Makeup Artist Kit is something that they actually need as an essential to be able to do their job perfectly and this Makeup Artist Kit should include all the essential makeup products and makeup tools that one needs to create multiple kinds of makeup looks.


I still remember being a self-taught makeup artist that one thing that always helps me to be very quick and organized in doing any kind of makeup looks is my self-made makeup kit that I created along the way of learning makeup and trying and testing different makeup products and makeup tools.


Today in this very blog post, I am going to share essential makeup products and makeup tools that should be in the kit of every makeup artist. This very blog post will only entail the name of the products or tools and give you their brief description on how they can be used and why they should be a part of your makeup kit.


If you guys want to get another blog post that actually suggests makeup products and makeup tools from both high end brands to drugstore brands, then leave a comment down below and we will love to write a dedicated Makeup Artist Kit Essentials with proper products and tools suggestions that will help you to have your own makeup kit with products that will last you longer and help you create the best makeup looks.


Let’s begin our blog post!



Professional Makeup Artist Kit Essentials


Makeup Tools


1. Makeup Brushes


No matter how good application one can get with fingers, but when you get into the profession of makeup, every customer wants things to look sanitized and hygienic. Hence people want makeup artists to use tools instead of fingers for doing the makeup.

So the first thing in makeup tools that you would need to invest in is Makeup Brushes. You can buy brushes individually or get a proper brush set that includes every makeup brush including those for eyes, blushes, foundation or contouring etc.

Never forget to keep your brushes washes and clean for every new coming client. It is not healthy or hygienically a good habit to use brushes on clients that have not been washed and they are used.

This also leaves a bad review of yours with your client and no makeup artist wants to have a bad word of mouth especially with respect to their hygiene and cleanliness because this professions demands it the most.



2. Makeup Sponges Or Beauty Blenders


When it comes to makeup, especially for beginners, beauty blenders can work like a charm for foundation blending and getting a non-cakey foundation base. Hence this is another must have product that you should buy and keep in your makeup kit.

Another advice here will be to buy more than two if you are stepping into professional makeup artist career, so that you can use a clean one if one or two is not properly cleaned plus you can also invest in small sponges or beauty blenders that help you get best blending for your concealer.



3. Cotton Pads & Cotton Tips


Cotton Pads are going to become an essential when you will need to use your micellar water or any other makeup remover to remove any dirt or previously used makeup from your client’s face. They are really important thing to have in your makeup kit

Not just that, you will also be needing Cotton Tips. Because they can clean your makeup with the help of makeup remover from even the corner of your eyes, helping you to get rid of minor mistakes that may occur during the makeup application.


4. Small Scissors & Eyebrow Clippers


A small pair of scissors can come very handy for a makeup artist; because some clients can have over grown brows and you might need to cut some bits for getting a proper shape, hence always keep a small brow scissor or any small scissor that can do the job.

Just like the scissor, and eyebrow clipper can be used to define the arch of your clients eyebrows if there are few hair on the area, hence having an eyebrow clipper in you kit ensures that you do not have to worry when its needed and your client also does not have any with them.



5. Eyelash Curler


You will always need an eyelash curler and it should be your top priority like all other makeup tools mentioned above. You will always need to curl the real lashes before you can put on the fake eye lashes over them, so that both look alike when after applying the fake lashes.

Hence by and keep a good quality eyelash curler in your professional makeup artist kit.



6. Makeup Mixing Palette


When you enter in the field of makeup, then you come across clients with different kinds of skin tone and sometimes not all the foundations that you have will match your client. So you might need to mix two or more foundations to get the exact match of your client’s foundation base.

Or you may also need to mix two or more lipsticks to get that one shade you want to use as your client’s lip color.

These purposes that have been mentioned above require only one makeup tool to help you do your job really easily and that is a makeup mixing palette or a makeup mixing tray with a spatula to take out or scrape the product and to put and mix it on the makeup mixing palette.

This is a must have makeup tool for any makeup artist and you should always carry one in your professional makeup artist kit.



7. Disposable Mascara Wands


When you become a professional makeup artist, then you must learn one thing that hygiene is the number one priority of every client. And not only that, if you are using same product or applicator on all you clients, there are chances to pick up disease from someone and spread it to others, which is not good at all.

So to not spread any eye infections and to make it more hygienic, always consider having disposable mascara wands with yourself in your professional makeup artist kit.

This will not only help your makeup products to stay healthy and last longer but also increase the trust of your customers on your cleanliness, hygiene and work ethics.



8. Disposable Eyeliner Wands


Just like mascara, you should consider having disposable wands for eyeliner application. They are easily available in the market and are very inexpensive as well.




Makeup Products



1. Micellar Water Or Makeup Remover


Micellar water or makeup remover comes handy right before the makeup too. You can use it to remove any extra makeup that your client is already wearing or you can also use it to remove any makeup mistakes during your makeup without having to wash the whole face and use it on the small areas where there is any mistake that can be corrected again.

Always keep micellar water or any makeup removing product that you like within your professional makeup artist kit.



2. Foundations


If you are ready to become a makeup artist then you must own foundations that suit different types of skin tones including fair, medium and dark skin tones. It is always better to have more than one foundation formula as well because not every client’s skin tone will be happy with a liquid foundation or a matter foundation base.

So always keep foundations of color ranges that can be applied from fair to dark skins. Now you do not need to own every single shade of one product. You can act wisely here and choose three or more foundation shades that you can mix and match for different clients.

Not only this, you should also invest in two types of foundations formulas in both stick and liquid foundations that come for oily skin and dry skin as well.

This will have you prepared for every single client coming to you and you will have a foundation base that can be adjusted as per the skin color and skin type of your clients without worrying about not having any option when you reach at the place of your client.



3. Concealers


Just like foundations, concealers come in liquid, cream and stick formulas. Not just that they have different colors for different skin tones and formulas made especially for dry or oily skin types.

Hence try to keep almost all the concealers that can be as per the skin tone and skin type of your clients. For example you can buy different shades of concealers for dry skin type clients and different shades of concealers for clients that may have oily skin type.

This way you will have similar shades of products that can be mixed and matched to best suit your clients’ skin type and skin tone.



4. Face Powders Or Translucent Powders


Face powders are really important to seal in your makeup base and make it look more flawless and defined. Just like foundations and concealers, your face powder needs to be close to the skin tone and foundation color that you apply on your clients.


So if you want to go for face powders or pressed powders, you will need to invest in three or more powders that suit fair, medium and darker skin tones.

But if you are just starting up and you feel like your experience with pressed powders need some practice when it comes to choosing the right shade or right formula then my best advice for you will be to opt for a translucent loose powder.


Translucent loose powders have no color in them and they seal in your foundation base without affecting its true colors and make it perfect canvas for you to apply other makeup products. And since it has no color in it, you cannot mess up your foundation base by applying a shade lighter or darker or even if you applied a little too much product, because you can always dust it off.



5. Contouring Palettes


Contouring has changed the game of makeup ever since it has made an entrance to the makeup world. Contouring can help define the face shape or chisel down your face look with the help of shading the areas that you do not want to highlight in pictures or in real.

You need to get one or two palettes of cream contour or cream contour based on your ease of use with both the products. Some people prefer to use both cream and powder contour, but I do not prefer doing it to even my brides or the most glamorous looks.

So the choice of product type totally depends on you. But try to have the palette that can cater the different skin tones in a single palette, this way you will not need to carry to many different options.



6. Blushes Or Blush Palettes


Blushes are really a very great way to enhance the cheeks of your client. You can either go for separate blushes or either go for a blush palette that includes all the pinks, peaches and bronze shades, because almost every client wants either pink or peach for most part of the makeup.

I will always advise to go and buy a palette that also includes a red tone blush because for some of the glamorous or bridal looks, my go to blush is red despite thousands of professional and famous makeup artists’ not using it in their looks. But I love for my blush to be an exact color of lip stick shade and the main eye shadow.



7. Eye Shadows


For eye shadows, I will recommend going for palettes rather than carrying too many individual eye shadows. Try to consider few palettes that include both mattes, glittery and metallic eyes shadows.

Important palettes that one can carry could be the one which has nude shades and then a colorful one. Other than that you can also opt for a separate neon palette if you get some young clients who want to dress up for a party and want to go for funky makeup looks.

One best thing about having eye shadow palettes with different colors is that you get too many blush options from the same palette as well that go great with your client’s makeup look in comparison to all the blushes you already have.



8. Highlighters


Just like foundations and concealers, I believe one should carefully consider using highlighters based on the skin tone of their clients. You cannot apply a brassy or bronzy highlighter on someone with a very fair or pale skin tone and same goes for using a lighter shade on a dark skin tones.

Highlighters are accustomed to skin tones as well. And if you are going for individual highlighters then you should opt for three or more highlighters that can go with different skin tones.

I prefer buying highlighting palettes that have different highlighters with few light and few dark shades options. Makeup brands have also launched two or three versions of same highlighter palettes and divided them for different skin tones, so you can try and buy each one to use as per you need.

These can go a long way once bought and last for a long time period as well. Hence do not worry about making this investment, because this will not go to waste.



9. Eyebrow Pencil Or Eyebrow Palettes


I cannot stress enough if I say that eyebrows no matter the most to any makeup artist or client visiting a makeup artist for their makeup look.

This is the very first step of makeup for me and I do eyebrows before foundation or any other makeup product.

There are countless options of brow pencils and brow pomades that you can choose from. Just get two or three shades options because not every client rocks the black brows and for some you need dark brown or grey pomade or pencil as well.

Personally I prefer having both pencils or pomades but if you want to get only one thing and need a suggestion, then maybe start with pencils and then move to pomades.



10. Mascaras


A Mascara gives life to makeup, it defines your whole eye makeup look when your client does not want to apply fake lashes. So definitely get good mascara that does not only provide volume to the lashes but is also water proof.



11. Eye Liners & Gel Liners


Eye liners and Gel Liners are must have products. Eye liners can be used in any simple makeup look or in a no makeup, makeup looks but it becomes really tough to work with a liquid or even pencil liner when you are working with a look that incorporates glitters.

The looks which have the use of glitters in them will require the use of gel liners, because other liquid or pencil liners will not show up along with glitters.

Hence you need to buy both liquid and gel liners and make sure that they are waterproof.



12. Glitters And Glitter Glue


Glitters are really in demand when it comes to doing makeup of brides or models. Not just that many of my clients have always wanted a halo eye shadow look with glitters or even a cut crease with glitters for party looks.

There are pressed glitters and powder glitters available in the market. But to be honest my believe in the pressed glitters have gone to the graves. I still do keep one palette of pressed glitters with myself and use it sometimes when I am wearing makeup for few hours, but when it comes to bridal makeup looks or glamorous makeup looks, I will never use pressed glitters because they either start to crease on the lids or they just will not stick to the eyes and you cannot see them or even click good close up pictures of your makeup as well.


So my advice for you will be to buy powder glitters along with a good glitter glue and go for some major colors like golden, silver, red, pink, brown and some halo colors if you like any. They will not only look wonderful but they will stay on your client for longer periods of time.



13. Lip Balms


The very first step that you should do after moisturizing the face of your client should be applying a lip balm especially if they have dry and patchy lips.

Get a good moisturizing lip balm that is not too oily and absorbs in the lips providing them the required moisture for a better application of your lipstick.

This product is also a must have product to be available in any makeup artist’s professional makeup kit.



14. Lip Liners


Lip liners are really good to guide you about where your lipstick should go and not just that they provide a good shaped and shade to the outer corners of your lips.

Try to have a pink, nude, brown, maroon and red lip liner for sure because these are very basic colors that go with every lip color.



15. Lipsticks


No makeup look gets completed without lipstick. Hence you need lipsticks in your makeup kits as well.  In lipsticks, just like lip liners, I will advise you all to get one pink, one brown, one red and a maroon as well. You might have to buy both liquid lipsticks and simple moisturizing lipsticks at the same time.

These are basic colors that can be used with almost every makeup look and you will not regret buying these shades at all.

Later on, if you want to exceed your lipstick collection, then you can go for buying different formulas including matte, glossy and liquid lipsticks based on your future makeup needs and you can buy as many as you want, because they will always end up getting used.

You can even use lipsticks as color correctors and blushes as well!



16. Color Correctors


Color correctors are actually really necessary for makeup artists, either a professional or beginner makeup artist. For example an orange color corrector can be used to hide dark circles, acne spots or any other discolorations on your face or neck area. There are some other color correctors as well for example green and beige etc.


You should have basic color correctors with yourself in your makeup artist makeup kit for sure.



17. Nail Paints Or Nail Polishes


Undoubtedly most of the brides or models these days get customized nails, but there still can be clients who have not applied nail paints and they do not have any with them, hence in that case you should have some nail paints in your makeup artist kit as well to help your client in need.


You can carry a pink, red, maroon, golden, silver and black nail paint with you if you do not want to have too many options to clutter your makeup kit. These colors will save the day any day.






So with this last makeup product, my whole blog post ends and I am sure after reading out this whole blog post, you guys have a clear idea that what should go in your makeup artist kit.


I have provided the whole Makeup Artist Kit Checklist that will be the only checklist you need to have a complete professional makeup artist kit which will help you do wonderful makeup looks on your clients.


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