Having long hair is absolutely the most favorite hobby in a huge portion of men and women. Although the hair grows at a constant growth level as tested and proved by the science, but there still are chances to amplify the speed of the process of hair growth.
There are so many ways one can help their hair to grow faster along with staying stronger.
In this blog post I am going to share the most beneficial tips and remedies that will help you increase your hair length faster and you will be able to grow your hair more than an inch per month if you will remain consistent with the mentioned tips and remedies.
Let us begin our blog post!
Best Hair Growth Tips
1. Head Massage
As per hair experts and research, hair scalp does not only help your relax and distress but it also can help you to make your hair really strong and thick avoiding breakage hence ensuring a healthy growth on long term basis.
Hence I will advise you guys to spend at least four to five minutes massaging your head. You can do it watching your favorite show or even before hitting the sack.
Strong hair means ready to become long hair!
2. Avoid Heat Styling Tools
Using too much of heat styling tools can make your hair go dry, brittle and weak hence causing them to break easily, hindering your hair growth and health. Hence to help to boost your hair growth, you will need to help them become strong and healthy enough to grow back faster.
Stop using heat styling tools on a daily basis. Let your hair air dry and help them grow faster naturally.
3. Use Hair Oils
No matter how much ewww you guys feel like whilst imagining about putting oil in your hair or scalp, but this years old remedy still stands strongly on its grounds and is the most inexpensive way of helping your hair to grow long faster.
To aid faster hair growth, use your favorite hair oil mixed with castor oil to boost hair growth as well as to get rid of bald spots in your hair if there are any.
Castor oil helps to promote hair growth and even treat Alopecia, which causes one to go bald around the hairline or get bald spots in different areas of head. It has a thick consistency and is not easy to apply on hair directly; therefore it is usually mixed in other oils like Olive oil, Coconut oil or Mustard oil etc.
The oil that I suggest to use for hair once or twice a week is Mustard oil or Coconut oil as they actually help to grow your hair really fast when mixed with castor oil and also help to make your hair thick, strong and shinier.
4. Use Inversion Method
Inversion method may have become a debate between many professional and non-professional hair enthusiasts, but as per my own experience, it can work wonders for hair with respect to faster hair growth.
In Inversion method, one basically has to bend over so that their head including their hair face downwards so that the blood flow goes directly towards your head and hair follicles. You can do this in many different ways, for example you can sit on a chair and bend your head forward in a ways where your head is between your knees and your hair is downwards. Or you could also lie down on the corner of your bed in such a way that your head is hanging over the end of the bed or the side of your bed.
In any of these above mentioned postures, you help the blood flow to reach your head area directly and faster and then the second steps involves using any of your favorite hair oil and massage your head in this position for five to ten minutes depending on how much comfortable you are.
During this activity, someone who is sensitive might start feeling dizzy, hence that should be the point where they need to stop doing it.
Inversion method is not helpful for everyone, not because it does not have same effects for every person, but because for some people who have heart diseases or blood pressure issues, doing inversion method may actually be a risk.
Hence, I will advise such people to consult with their doctors first before trying out the Inversion Method. But for those of you, who are healthy, they can for sure give it a try and start from 3 to 5 minutes and then stretch it more based on how much comfortable they get along the process. But my personal advice would be to not extend it for more than 5 to ten minutes to be on the safe side.
If anyone amongst you is thinking how many ties it can be repeated, then my advice would be to do this twice or thrice in one week and then take a break for twenty to thirty days before you can try it again. Some people have also tried this consistently for one week and then took a break for one month before trying it out again.
Always listen to your body, when trying out the Inversion method. If in any way you start to feel dizzy or nauseous, please stop the process right there and get back to your normal body position slowly not immediately.
5. Consume Hair Growth Supplements
If there is someone out there, who has tried every single remedy but their hair growth is still not getting better, then there is an alarming sign that your diet is not healthy enough and you are not providing your body the essential supplements that it needs for the hair or nails growth etc.
In order to aid and increase the growth of your hair, I will advise you guys to consume a diet that includes supplements like Omega-3s and not only this you can also visit a doctor and then get prescription for supplements having biotin or fatty acids like Omega-3s.
Foods that can be a good source of Omega-3s include Fish like salmon & tune, Flaxseeds, Plant oils or walnuts.
6. Do Not Over Shampoo Your Hair
For some people, hair get greasy a day after fresh wash and they do not find it comfortable to go outside with over greasy hair that give a bad look to them or may affect their self-esteem, in result of which they may wash their hair every day. Washing your hair everyday can strip the natural oils from hair that is essential for their growth and strength.
Shampooing on a daily basis can cause excessive breakage and damage to your hair.
Hence, I always advise every person I know who comes with hair issues like breakage, to stop over shampooing.
Dry shampoos are a very good alternative to shampoos and can actually help save your bad hair days without having to wash them on a daily basis and wasting too much extra time in doing so.
You will not only save your time but also help your hair to stay stronger, break less and get more chances to grow.
7. Trim Your Split Ends Regularly
Assuming left untreated, split ends can move gradually up the shafts of your hair strands and cause considerably more breakage. Hence, regular trims dispose of dry, harmed split ends and are fundamental for regular, sound development of your hair.
But you need to be very cautious with trimming your split ends, because if you or your hair stylist cuts too much hair than just trimming the split ends, you may end up never getting a fast and healthy hair growth. So always keep in mind to just trim the split ends and not cut the growth of your hair hindering them to grow back faster and increase in length.
Best duration to trim your split ends can be around six months or six weeks.
8. Sleep on Silk Pillows
Whilst you may think that pillows or pillow cases do not make a difference, but when you tend to sleep at night or any other time of the day, your hair get friction when you move our head whilst changing your sides.
Harsh fabrics can cause your hair to become brittle and frizzy whereas silk pillow help your hair to stay smooth and strong and cause less breakage which in turn helps the hair to stay strong and health helping it to grow better and faster.
9. Change Your Pillow Covers Regularly
Changing your pillow cases regularly is not just healthy for your acne and skin but it is also really important for your hair. Pillow cases can absorb dust and impurities from the environment and hence become unhealthy for your skin or hair when they transfer these impurities and dirt to them.
Hence it is always recommended to keep changing your pillow covers to help your hair stay clean and stronger in the longer terms and grow faster.
10. Intake Proteins On Daily Basis
Consuming fifty grams or more protein is recommended on a daily basis for healthy hair growth. Protein intake is very significant for healthy and faster hair growth and development.
If your protein intake is restrictive, then your hair may shed easily and do not grow at an optimal level. Hence it is always recommended to intake sufficient amounts of proteins on a daily basis in your diet to help your hair grow faster.
This was my personal take on the tips that help you to grow your hair faster and dramatically. These tips will not only help you to grow your hair faster but will also help your to make your hair stronger and thicker.
If you really liked this blog post and you feel like these tips are helpful, the please do like and comment and share your feedback with us and not only that, also share this blog post with your friends, family and colleagues to help them with their hair growth issues as well.