Skincare routine is an absolute necessity for each and every one of us. Indeed, even the languid ones among us have somewhere around a few skincare items that are consistently on their vanity table or in the restroom.
In any case, for those of you who are really into following both a day time skincare routine and a night time skincare routine, I truly want to acquire this your consideration that if you are not rightly utilizing your skincare items in a proper order of using each product, you can really lead into failing to help your skin and you might wind up not getting any outcomes for your skin and as prescribed by your skincare products even by reliably utilizing your skincare items consistently.
As I earlier said in my blog post regarding Day Time Skincare Routine that you may change the order of putting on your makeup and cosmetic products and still get an impeccable makeup look, yet wrecking the order for applying skincare items can really cause more damage than advantage.
Today in this blog post of mine, I will state the right order of applying skincare products for Night Time Skincare Routine. You can also read the right order of applying Day Time Skincare Routine Products in one more committed blog post in our "Skincare Tips" category.
Let us begin this interesting and informative blog post!
Correct Order Of Using Night Time Skin Care Products
1. Double Cleansing
Cleansing your face should consistently be your first or main concern with regards to your night time skincare routine. You can utilize either water based cleaning agent or an oil based cleanser product which is designed in a way that suits your skin. And the most important difference in cleansing your face during your night time skincare as compared to your day time skincare routine is that, in your night time skincare routine, you will be opting the “Double Cleansing Method”.
In double cleansing, you first remove your makeup with micellar water or any makeup removing cream you prefer to use and then use water or oil based cleanser that is used in foaming form on the face and then washed out with Luke warm or room temperature water.
Assuming if you are figuring the reason why should you be using cleanser regularly in your night time skincare routine and that too as a first step of the skincare regimen, let me let you know that regardless of whether you think you can wash your face with a regular soap and water, there are still possibilities that any residue particles or contaminations might have moved to your skin from your makeup, pollution and dirt present in the outside environment that cannot be cleaned from your face properly if you are not properly cleansing your face.
There is one more possibility that your makeup may not get properly removed by just soap and water and hence it can clog your pores and cause acne or if not so, it may not let your other skincare products absorb properly into your skin and you may not get their advantage as a result of this mistake.
Hence double cleansing is completely suggested as the initial step for your night time skincare routine.
2. Exfoliator
Exfoliation is another important skincare routine step that should be considered by every single person. Although this is an important step of your skincare routine but this is that one step that should only be used twice a week and thrice only if you are someone who is trying to get rid of dark spots on your skin.
Going for exfoliation on a daily basis is never recommended and actually unhealthy and dangerous for your skin. Hence you should use a suitable exfoliator twice or thrice a week which should not be containing scrubbing elements that are too big and harsh on the skin.
Exfoliators help to get rid of dead skin and hence enhance the look of your skin by promoting regeneration and also helping other skincare products to absorb more effectively into your skin.
3. Toner
A toner assists with advanced cleaning of your skin from any extra impurity or residues left on your skin even after cleansing during your step one of the everyday cleansing routine. It additionally assists with hydrating your skin and help dispose of dead skin cells.
You can apply any toner that suits your skin and use it just in the wake of purifying and providing extra cleaning effect to your face. Either put it straightforwardly onto your skin or you can likewise shower with your spray bottle or pour it down on a cotton ball and afterward tenderly swipe everything over your face.
My generally top pick and regular toner item has consistently been rose water. It is one of those items that will consistently be available in my skincare and it truly has immense effect on your skin. So in case you are searching for an all-normal skin toner and other chemical based toners sometimes fall short for your skin, then, at that point, you can most likely pick rose water with next to no questions.
Additionally remember that you ought to consistently consider applying your toner in an outward position in case you are utilizing hand, cotton cushions or swabs and not splash it on your skin and leave it like that when doing your night time skincare routine.
4. Serum
Serums are really effective for your skin. They do not only hydrate your skin but they also prevent it from damages that can be caused by UV Rays or any kind of radicals that can affect the skin.
As mostly we recommend using serums like Vitamin C in your day time skincare routine, we would like for you all to go for super hydrating serums in your night time skincare routine. The reason behind that is since night time skincare is mean to replenish and repair the skin, you will always need extra hydration if you are using acne treatment products and retinols for your night time skincare routine as these products tend to make skin a bit dry sometimes.
So always go for a hydrating serum of your choice soon after using the toner and apply it gently on your skin including your neck area.
5. Eye Cream
Eye cream is the subsequent stage of your night time skincare routine after serum. Our skin around our eyes is truly sensitive and it requires additional consideration and most certainly items that are extraordinarily modified for this flimsy layered skin region.
Subsequently to keep you skin around your eyes flexible, so it doesn't get premature wrinkling, fine lines or dark circles, you ought to consistently utilize an Eye Cream that suits your skin type and has shown successful outcomes.
Continuously apply your eye cream beneath your eyes, around your eye region and furthermore on your eyelids till your brow bone for best outcomes.
6. Spot Treatment
If you are someone who is dealing with acne marks or dark spots due to acne prone skin or extra exposure of direct sunlight, then Spot Treatment is the next step after applying your Eye Cream.
Those of you who do not have any dark spots or acne marks can actually skip this step.
The reason of applying your spot treatment before your moisturizer or face oils is because it needs to penetrate well deep inside your skin t make difference and show its results and applying your moisturizer of face oil before this step can actually hinder proper penetration of spot treatment into your skin. Therefore always do this step before applying your moisturizer, face oil or even retinol if you are using it in your skincare routine.
If you are thinking why you should be considering spot treatment during your night time skincare routine but not in your day time skincare routine, then the answer is quite simple to understand actually. During night time, our skin naturally repairs itself whilst we sleep, hence we always recommend to use healing products at night time to help the skin get better results by combining the natural healing effect of our skin with an extra benefit of the healing products applied to assist the skin in achieveing quick results.
7. Moisturizer
Moisturizer is the most widely recognized skincare item that each individual uses regardless of whether they are not after numerous items for their skincare routine, which make it the most well-known skincare item.
One tremendous misguided judgment that I have seen is that individuals with oily skin think they truly need to skirt on the moisturizers, yet let me tell this to you folks that moisturizers generally more required by the people who have oily skin type.
Just after your eye cream and spot treatment, you ought to apply a moisturizer that suits best for your skin type and kindly remember to pick an different moisturizers for different seasons of the year specifically for winter and summer season.
For instance the moisturizer that you use during summers may not work something very similar during winters as our skins will have different texture to them in light of the climate changes. So attempt to sort out two best sorts of moisturizers that you can utilize on the other hand in the two seasons.
You could skirt on the moisturizer on the off chance that you have way oily skin and your night time hydrating serums are furnishing you with enough hydration that your skin needs, yet utilizing it will be useful for you, particularly if you can sort out that one moisturizer whose ingredients are not very heavy for your skin type in case it is on the oily side.
Those of you who have dry skin will not have a particular issues in utilizing even extra heavy moisturizers in their skincare routine as an expansion after their serums.
8. Retinol
Retinol or Retinoids basically can be defined as a product that is formulated with all the derivatives of Vitamins A, specifically including Retinol.
If you are someone who is not aware of Retinoids, then let me tell you that this is going to be that magic potion, which will basically help your skin by acting as an anti-aging product. Retinoids or Retinol will not only help you look youthful but it will also be that magic product of your night time skincare routine that will fade your acne scars or dark spots on your skin, make you skin become brighter, clean your pores and stop breakouts from your skin thus helping it to become youthful, smooth, clean and flawless.
Sometimes you may hear from others recommending using Retinol before moisturizer, but we will always recommend you to use it after using your moisturizer because for some people, especially if you are someone who is new to Retinol or if you are someone whose skin is extremely sensitive, using it before a moisturizer can cause skin irritation.
So using a moisturizer before Retinol will help you to avoid any sort of skin irritation that may occur otherwise by using Retinol before moisturizer.
Please also consider one more very important thing here that if you use night cream then you should definitely make sure that they do not contain retinol in them as an ingredient. If they do have retinol as an ingredient, then you may not want to use Retinol separately as doubling it may cause issues for your skin. So never use a Retinol if your night cream already contains it as an active ingredient.
9. Face Oil (Optional)
Face Oils should always be the last step of your night time skincare routine. Since we are using all the products during night time skincare routine that have skin repairing effect, hence they need to absorb into your skin to help it boost the skin regeneration process. Applying oils before all the above mentioned skincare products can hinder their absorption in your skin leaving you with zero chances of achieving any positive results from your whole night time skincare routine. Hence you should be applying face oils at the end of your night time skincare routine.
This skincare routine progression is generally widely suggested for those with drier skin type. If you have a truly dry skin and you feel like your skin actually wants to need extra hydration in the wake of utilizing serums and moisturizers, then, at that point, you can go for light or heavy face oil dependent on the hydration needs of your skin.
In any case, in case you are somebody with an oily skin, you may not require face oil. Yet if you have checked it out and it works for your skin, then, at that point, you can utilize it as an extra step of your night time skincare schedule.
I, myself have interest towards utilizing face oils regardless of having an oily skin and they have never been any terrible for my skin and have consistently given me great outcomes. So it absolutely relies upon your decision. Give face oils a try and afterward conclude whether you need to make it a piece of your night time skincare routine or not.
With this step, I will like to conclude my blog post right here. This is the best Order of Night Time Skincare products that you can follow to achieve great and hundred percent results. Do follow this order of night time skin care for one or two months and then compare your skin to your old skincare regimen and I am dead sure that you will find it more effective than your previous night time skincare routine.
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